News & Articles
November 2007
November has brought with it some welcome additions to the inventory. Exploration Instruments is excited about adding capability to our AGI SuperSting systems by offering 8 channel 56-electrode external Switch boxes. These switch boxes allow us to provide resistivity systems switching through 112 electrodes on the ground at any one time. Extra cables and stakes are available so that you can roll sets of electrodes and gain greater production.
Packages including a switch box and cables are available to clients who already own SuperStings and would like to collect greater amounts of data.
EXI has also added some new devices which we believe will be very useful for those customers involved in concrete imaging and other NDT applications. The HandyScan radar system combines a small, lightweight radar antenna, CPU, and display in a very portable unit. It's greatest convenience will be for quick evaluations where its ease-of-use and weight will be really appreciated by anyone standing on a ladder working walls and ceilings. The systems are available in either Black and White or Color display.

The next GPR class in Austin is December 11-13, 2007.
We have seats available!
The entire 2007 Schedule for GPR Training at Exploration Instruments may be viewed here.